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uTorrent Classic
Getting Started
Installing uTorrent Classic
How do I change the default location of my downloads?
How do I add a torrent?
How do I pause or delete a torrent?
What do I do once my torrent is downloaded?
View all 8
During installation, why is my Anti-virus flagging µTorrent as malware?
How do I remove the advertising?
How do I send files to friends and family?
Does your software support proxies?
When I pause a download, why does the torrent client keep downloading or uploading?
Why do I get a 'Disk Write Error'?
Why do I get a 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.' error?
What do the terms 'hashfails' and 'wasted' mean?
How do I fix 'Error: Unable to save the resume file'?
What does Disk Overloaded in the status bar mean?
View all 11